
At eTRANSERVICES, we provide industry-specific products and services that modernize your business processes, save time, and reduce costs.
Circular icon featuring a yellow shield with a navy blue border, symbolizing protection or defense.


Modernize enterprise processes at organization, branch, department, and agency levels

Recent global events have demonstrated the increasing urgency for achieving full mission readiness with dynamic defense technology solutions. Protecting people and the nation starts with securing their information and data using the latest technological achievements. eTRANSERVICES provides secure, scalable, and intelligent solutions designed to increase readiness and meet mission objectives. With the security-focused services and products we offer, our defense clients can incrementally modernize their enterprise processes at the organization, branch, department, and even agency levels 

Learn more about solutions that can help you achieve defense readiness!

Our Defense Clients

  • US Army (TRADOC)
  • US Air Force
  • US Navy
  • US Central Command
  • Marine Corps Intelligence Agency
  • DoD Inspector General
Our Products
Circular icon depicting a yellow government building with three arches and a blue flag on top, symbolizing federal civilian institutions.

Federal Civilian

Streamline your business processes and accelerate mission readiness

Today’s U.S. Federal government agencies face various complex challenges affecting the public sector. To overcome these challenges, organizations must focus on implementing digital transformation. At eTRANSERVICES, we focus on digital transformation by providing the latest integrated, secure solutions that can streamline federal agencies’ business processes. The products and services we offer can improve outcomes for mission-critical programs and operational efficiency, and provide the transparency needed at various levels of decision-making.  

Learn more about solutions that can help you streamline your business processes and accelerate mission readiness! 

Our Federal Civilian Clients

  • US Department of Agriculture
  • Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
  • U.S. Courts
Our Products
Circular icon depicting a hand holding a heart with a pulse line and a medical cross, symbolizing healthcare services.

Federal Healthcare

Improve the patient experience and protect community health

 With the recent COVID-19 pandemic, we are now more aware than ever of the increased urgency of staying prepared for the unexpected. To do so, healthcare payers and providers must improve their processes by focusing on three core areas of importance – security of data, cybersecurity, and moving data to the cloud. This can be achieved by utilizing reliable and secure digital solutions. At eTRANSERVICES we offer reliable and secure intelligent automation and real-time data management solutions that improve care coordination, delivery, and the doctor-patient experience. Our solutions focus on the security of data, cybersecurity, and move data to a single, cloud platform. Improving healthcare processes overall helps protect community health and well-being! 

Learn more about solutions that can help improve the patient experience and protect community health! 

Our Federal Healthcare Clients

  • Department of Veteran Affairs
Our Products
Circular icon depicting a map of the United States with a yellow location pin, representing state and local government focus.

State, Local, and Education (SLED)

Bring innovation and digital modernization to your agencies

Today many government agencies are facing a variety of challenges, such as aging legacy systems, inconvenient data access, and inefficient business workflows. To address these problems, government organizations need digital innovation and modernization. At eTRANSERVICES we offer modern and innovative solutions to replace outdated legacy systems. These dynamic solutions help agencies lower costs, increase productivity, and transform the user experience. This is crucial for the transformation and modernization of state and local government agencies.  

Learn more about solutions that can bring innovation and digital modernization to your agencies

Our SLED Clients

  • Washington State Department of Health
  • Michigan Arts & Culture Council
  • Tennessee Arts Commission
Our Products
Circular icon featuring a clipboard with a checklist and a yellow dollar sign, symbolizing financial and administrative services.


Achieve excellence and advance your business processes

In today’s competitive digital environment, companies, businesses, and organizations must stay up to date with the latest technologies. This is known as modernization and innovation, which are crucial to growing and managing a business successfully and efficiently. At eTRANSERVICES, we strive to provide modernization and innovation to our clients by offering the latest solutions and platforms. With our products and services, organizations can reach commercial excellence and connect and harmonize data from one, single-connected platform. 

Learn more about each solution that can advance your business by achieving excellence!  

Our Commercial Clients

  • Agua Fund 
  • Defeat MSA Alliance 
  • Harrington Discovery Institute 
  • Headwaters Foundation 
  • Houston Arts Alliance
  • Jack Kent Cooke Foundation
  • Montana Healthcare
  • National Marine Sanctuary Foundation (NMSF)
  • PAI
  • Versa
  • World Wildlife Fund (WWF)
Our Products